Gentlemen, It is with great pleasure to inform you that I asumme command as Colonel of memecoins to restore order in the memecoin world and beat $PEPE!
Gentlemen, I’m tired of these latest ”memecoins” with 0 originality. They have forgotten that memes are made for laughter and fun, not just for profit!
That’s why I take command as colonel of memecoins to restore order.

How to buy

Create a Wallet
Download Phantom or your wallet of choice from the app store or Google Play for free. Desktop users, download the Google Chrome extension by going to Phantom.

Get some SOL


Switch BNB for $CTOAD

Phase one

Phase two

Phase three
DISCLOSURE: When buying $CTOAD coin, you acknowledge that it is not a security or investment contract, and you agree not to hold the team responsible for any losses or tax liabilities you may incur. While $CTOAD is a community-driven meme coin and not an officially registered cryptocurrency, you should ensure compliance with applicable local laws and regulations before making any purchase.
$CTOAD is a meme coin that functions as an internet meme, lacking any inherent worth or prospect of financial gain. It lacks an official development team or roadmap for future advancements. The coin holds no practical utility and serves purely as a source of amusement.